Large Mouth Camp

Cost: $300

Incoming 6th-8th Grade


Term 4 (June 17-20) - Full


Large Mouth Camp is an exciting, four-day, conventional fishing camp designed for beginners as well as experienced anglers. Campers will master the basics of planning and executing an independent fishing excursion. This includes spot finding, casting, fish identification, safety, and general marine and fishing knowledge.

The first two days will be packed with instruction, activities, and competitions. These days will end with engaging water activities for campers to cool off from a hot day of fun.

During the final two days, campers will put their skills into action as they are guided through two of Texas’ top-notch fishing holes in search of bluegill, catfish, bass, and gar.

The objective of our Large Mouth Camp is to develop a love and competency for fishing and outdoor life. In short, this is an opportunity for children to get off their device, in the outdoors, and into fishing.


Monday and Tuesday: Lone Star Ranch 8601 Bluff Springs Rd.

Wednesday and Thursday: Location will be sent via email or text

Time: 9 am-1 pm